Imagine creating games based on the horrific events that happened in real life and not thinking about the consequences.
Famous indie developer Steve Snodgrass died of mysterious means after being contracted by Fazbear Entertainment to create a series of games based on the events and rumors haunting Freddy Fazbear’s. You might think this was Fazbear Entertainment tying up loose ends, right? …You really think that company’s run by the mafia? Steve looked very happy with all that cash–got a nice family as well. He’s got so much in his pocket that he donated to some parties he agreed with. The max amount. Why would he squander all that to squeak it to the police?
No, clearly it’s something paranormal.
Sometimes, when you put your whole heart into it, believe hard enough, and let tunnel vision cloud your judgment, things just happen to slide right into place. Sometimes, when you want to believe ghosts are real, you start letting your bias cloud what you’re seeing.
Trapped in a world of your own making. The bias bleeds, affecting your other interests or those you care about. We’re in the 21st Century and yet Steve’s wife was called hysterical when she claimed she defended herself from the rotting charred vestiges of her husband’s projects. Their kids corroborated the same story.
If only the investigators noticed the dark footprints, the claw marks on the walls, how consistent their stories were years later. But that required them to look beyond their biases.
Perhaps they’re still in that old house. Trauma doesn’t disappear all that easily, and I sure as hell can’t manifest them myself.