
This location is something more of a tragic tale, so I can only recount the story of the building by talking about it from the perspective of Toby Thompson.

Toby was born to an abusive father and a mother who was too afraid to stand up to him. The only place he could find solace would be the building the next street over; Strongman's Burger. It was a FreddysPlus fast food building featuring original animatronics rather than Freddy and the gang.

Kluns' Stuffed: The Real Begin

You had Bartholomew the Papox, a father fox with his handpuppet/daughter Pam the Fox. Then you have Willy the Rabbit, who was able to give commentary to children at the arcade. Charlotte the Duck, who was always at the entrance. And at the center you have Charles the Strongman.

The place was owned by Gordon Armstrong, who built Charles in honor of his late brother who had passed away in a rollercoaster accident a few years prior along with his daughter. The place did get quite successful, especially when Friday night fell, which is when “The Strongman Competition” would be held.

Charles the Strongman

The competition was simple: Parents were challenged to beat Charles the Strongman in 3 types of strength: Leg, body, and arm. These would be done via a leg race, push-ups, and arm wrestling respectively. Charles was always undefeatable, and that made Gordon quite happy.

Toby Thompson was then 14, and in a fit of retaliation fatally hit his father with one of his bottles. Horrified at what he’d done, he escaped and sought shelter at Strongman’s Burger and managed to find a hiding place inside the Backstage area while everyone was distracted by the Strongman Competition.

Night fell, everyone left, and Toby had only his own thoughts to think about. He realized in that instant at what he’d done and cried profusely. Sometimes he cried loudly, then he calmed down, then he yelled again. A teenager shouldn’t be dealing with this.

The animatronics weren’t officially haunted, yet anyone would’ve heard the sound of a crying child. What happened next is nothing short of miraculous, as they all converged in the Backstage and started taking care of Toby, even sharing some of the leftover food.

So Toby kept hiding in there, and the animatronics would check up on him every night. It started as a mechanical loop, but sometimes the loop would break–Willy would bring two discarded Game Boy Advances for the two to play with; Charles would train his strength by lifting the young boy up, and Charlotte gave him an affectionate nickname: TB.

Miscellaneous Stuffed drawings

Something sparked sentience in the robots. Was it the long lost spirits of Gordon’s brother and his daughter, was it Toby’s agony, or was it something more innate? Regardless, Toby Thompson was a new addition to the family of robots.

This family endured for months, and Toby’s location was later found by investigators. When they entered the building, they mysteriously found nobody inside. Not Toby, and not even the animatronics.

Entering the Backstage, they found a crudely painted door.

Toby's door

Strongman’s Burger would close soon after without any of its robot performers, and Toby’s wherabout now lie unknown to even this blog.

Where do you think he might be? I like to believe Toby’s somewhere where he's happy.

Kluns' Design

Charlotte the Gentle Duck

Charlotte the Gentle Duck

In general, my Stuffed designs are based on Winnie-the-Pooh, both in their appearance of resembling stuffed animals (ha, Stuffed), and being a group of animals who act as a family.

They're still filled with animatronic parts, but they're intended to look inviting. A perfect fit for a distraught Toby.

Original Design

Charlotte the Gentle Duck

Kluns' Design

Willy the Lucky Rabbit

Willy the Lucky Rabbit

Fat gamer.

Fan designs frequently fall into the same body shape and proportions over and over. It's either a Freddy or a Springtrap when it comes to silhouettes, over and over. I'd like to see some variety in body shapes and artstyle coming when I leave.

It's like that "Mega Man sprites according to the internet" image.

Original Design

Willy the Lucky Rabbit

Kluns' Design

Bartholomew the Papa Wolf & Pam Fox

Bartholomew the Papa Wolf & Pam Fox

The monocle on Bartholomew came naturally. That bowler's hat and frayed cheek fur already accentuated his age, so I had to take things one step further. The collar fur is to make him even more huggable.

Pam looks a lot more like a child, and I gave her a teal skirt to tie her closer to her father. You might also notice she's the only one with a puppet mouth. That's intentional to the restaurant's "in-universe lore" where she's actually adopted.

Original Design

Bartholomew the Papa Wolf & Pam Fox

Kluns' Design

Charles the Strongman

Charles the Strongman

Charles is a human animatronic. To better differentiate him from the actual humans, he's the only robot in the restaurant to have visible joints.

For his appearance, I combined both Guy Fieri and the late Captain Lou Albano, a professional wrestler. Makes sense to have a wrestler host a body competition, right?

Original Design

Charles the Strongman