First Office

The game KFNaS needed a drab beginning. The 'First Office' as I'll term it is meant to copy my Maniac Mania artstyle which I had seen being copied and replicated in other FNaS projects.

I wish people would seek newer, more original artstyles. It restricts FNaS projects into a corner if the 'Maniac Mania artstyle' is the only one people are capable of.

As I've mentioned before, this whole office is meant to look drab. Disgusting yellow-brown coloring, a grey table, and bog-standard computer tools and extension cords. It's incredibly boring.

LNette at the Office L.E. at the Office

This one night only had 3 mechanics: Luiginette, L.E., and Clonemare. All of them revolving around the door


Luiginette patrols the building and will kill you if he sees you. In that case, you should close the door.

On the other hand, L.E. will also check up on you to see if you're okay. In that case, you should keep the door open to put her at ease.

Clonemare is in that vent. It would've slowly revealed itself via a dark oozing liquid dripping from it, blocking any ventilation and causing you to pass out. In that case, you should repeatedly open and close the door, creating a sound loud enough for Clonemare to retreat.

Naturally, creating such a loud sound will attract both Luiginette and L.E. to your location. Out of instinct, you may accidentally close the door on L.E. In that case, she'd be very scared of what might be happening in that office and bust the door open.

Door busted

And without any door to block Luiginette's sight, well...

Luiginette Jumpscare

Surviving this sole night results in the destruction of that world and bring you to Kluns Night.

Kluns Office

On the other hand, the 'Kluns Office' is meant to be as stimulating as possible. With flying objects, moving parts everywhere, garish red and purples, random patterns. It was designed to distract the player for as much as possible with at least something new to look at.

Kluns Office

While Kluns Night would be different, there would always be 3 core mechanics

Quiz Time: Someone will appear at the front door. Are they a Clone, Robot, or Phantom? Guessing right gets you gas. Guessing wrong doesn't get you gas. Guessing for too long has Kluns kill you.

The Holes: Clonemare's dripping out of it. Use the flamethrower to scare it away.

The Walls: Blue String will emerge out of it. Use the flamethrower on it as well

Kluns Office

A maximum of 2 'Space Break' mechanics would happen per attempt, meaning the player would have to adapt with a different strategy every attempt. I only managed to come up with 4 before I stopped development.

Space Break 1; Happy Button: Like Quiz Time, but with emotions. You get gas if you get it right.

Space Break 2; Bonk It: Bonk intruders right as their heads are on the door. You get gas if you time it right.

Space Break 3; Fan: Direct the fan to a heat valve that's currently aflame. Letting one burst causes the entire office to explode because of the gas permeating throughout this office.

Train Break

Space Break 4; Train: Tracks have been placed under you and a train is about to hit you. Press the adjacent circles on your tablet to make the train change direction. Kluns will turn the circles himself oftentimes to reach your office.

Train Tracks

To make this Space Break mechanic funnier, I wanted the train to isekai you to a whole other game. It would just show the title screen before sending you to the game over.

Title Screens

Space Break 2; Bonk It: Bonk intruders right as their heads are on the door. You get gas if you time it right.

L.E. Concepts L.E. Concepts

L.E. is obviously based on Lefty Sonic. Pronouncing L.E. even gives you her phonetics.

I wanted a design for L.E. that could have her switch between "show" and "casual" attire. While I do still like some of these designs, they stray too far away from her being recognizably a hedgehog.

Luiginette Concepts

Luiginette is a strangely recurring character in FNaS projects, hence his inclusion in this game.

As you've heard in the Story section, Luiginette needed to have all his plastic stripped off, leaving him as just colored casings. This complete simplicity is meant to comment on the repeated attempts to overdramatize a Luiginette's design.

Simplicity works.

Toymare Concepts Toymare Concepts Toymare Concepts Toymare Concepts

Concepts for a scrapped "Toymare" mechanic. The design is meant to be a hotchpotch of different animatronic scraps found from across scrapped projects, turning it into a multi-legged beast.

This was actually drawn before the Toymare you see in the upper layer.

You should get back up there, actually... It often gets scary down here.