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Why So Secretive

God Material, the primordial building blocks of the universe. Harnessing it with the power of belief causes some crazy stuff to happen.

People have often asked me why I do not share this power with the world. Well, oftentimes it’s stolen from me, used for evil means by pure monsters that seek their riches off of exploiting others. Most degenerate, to seek pride.

Let me tell you a story that took place long ago back in the 19th Century. A number of daycares made an appearance on several trials; accusations of sex abuse, satanic rituals, and children corroborated these statements. The testimonies were horrifying. Teachers, with painted pentagrams on their faces, eating babies infront of their students.

The students explained where the passageways to those rituals were located and the police quickly investigated. Nothing. Not even fresh cement, nor anything suggesting a passageway had even been there. These expensive trials that had gone on for weeks were supported by young kids caught up in a media frenzy. Their statements also didn’t line up when questioned individually.

Nobody had been charged. That didn’t stop conspiracy theorists though. They had followed the trial since the beginning and believed the government was lying about the daycare staff being innocent. Theories ranging from bribery to crisis actors spread like wildfire, harassment campaigns where disgusting slobs would stand out infront of teacher’s homes in the middle of the night as they’re forced to shut down the lights and hide in their own homes before they’d leave on their own.

This happened for years. And yet, nothing was proven, so they came for me.

The thing with these conspiracists is that they want a sense of control in their lives, simplify their worldview because the grass outside is too complicated to comprehend. If they just believed hard enough, perhaps it’s true that babies were eaten by a satanic cult.

I’m not sure how they got access to my stuff, but they used my God Material in a way I could never think of. Suddenly there was a passageway now, there was a central figure behind all of it, there was a videotape that lined up with what the students had all been saying. Whatever they did, they manifested their conspiracy theories to be real, violated the memories of these young kids, all just to prove their assumptions to be correct.

Before a retrial could happen, I was thankfully called–this was too random of an event that they needed my help for. My investigations were correct; the passageways and figure were additional matter, too young compared to the ages of every single matter in the universe. This was not magic, but a shoddy attempt at replacing a piece of reality. I reversed what had been changed and traced the usage back to the group responsible for this.

I killed every single last one of them.

God Material is a dangerous tool to work with. I’ve only sparingly shared them, complete with baby how-to instructions so nothing explodes. This instance, this story I’ve told you, only helped cement my disdain for the sin of pride of rejecting a harmless reality into a harmful one.

Please don’t get caught up in a conspiracy theory. Look at the facts, try it for yourself, and you’ll see for yourself that the Earth is round.